☆☆☆☆☆ Never a straight answer is a weekly podcast all about the strange and the random. Each week we aim to bring you the best and most out-there news, mysteries, alien sightings and conspiracy theories. Never a straight answer N.A.S.A looks at everything odd, the stranger the better! From world events, crazy internet stories, world history, Funny and interesting facts, science theory and more. Recorded live from a hidden bunker somewhere in Manchester, United Kingdom. Join Gaz and Taylor accompanied by the odd guest for Never a straight answer podcast.
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Get ready for an exhilarating adventure into the mysterious world of NASA-related UFO encounters in space. Starting in the late 1970s and continuing until now, expert researchers will reveal a history of anomalies recorded by military and space research missions. Starting with Skylab 3's UFO incident, expanding into the STS/ISS Mission Era, director Darcy Weir and the rest of the team uncover a deep recent history of UFO sightings in space.
Secret Space UFO's: Fastwalkers - Official Trailer
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This is The MCU's Bleeding Edge YouTube channel/ Podcast!! We are co-hosted by veteran YouTuber and content creator Cyberneticshark, and fellow creator/ marvel comics background in Jeff S( TrueKnowledge). WARNING, we are not for kids,
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